Tag: Fast Vpn

  • Cybercriminals are targeting your emails in these 3 ways

    Cybercriminals are targeting your emails in these 3 ways

    To keep their emails safe, businesses must stay ahead of the strategies of cybercriminals. These strategies include rogue software, social engineering, and other threats. When it comes to securing our employees and their email use, things were a lot easier not long ago. We were all equipped with a data centre. Many of our workers…

  • Ransomware threats are increasing and targeting more devices

    Ransomware threats are increasing and targeting more devices

    According to a new analysis from email security firms, Ransomware assaults have never been more prevalent.    According to the notice, new ransomware organisations emerge on a regular basis. Moreover, new vulnerabilities being exploited are identified practically daily, however, Microsoft’s products are being targeted the most.   In summary, attackers are currently targeting over 7,000 goods manufactured…

  • BlackLotus: Microsoft will repair recent Secure Boot vulnerability

    BlackLotus: Microsoft will repair recent Secure Boot vulnerability

    Microsoft provided a patch earlier this week to remedy a Secure Boot bypass problem utilised by the BlackLotus bootkit. The first vulnerability, CVE-2022-21894, was patched in January. However, the current patch for CVE-2023-24932 addresses another commonly exploited workaround for computers running Windows 10 and 11. Also on Windows Server versions dating back to Windows Server…

  • To steal credit cards, hackers are using genuine checkout forms

    To steal credit cards, hackers are using genuine checkout forms

    Hackers are stealing credit cards from unwary customers by hijacking internet retailers and displaying sophisticated, realistic-looking bogus payment forms. These payment forms are displayed as modal, HTML content that is overlaid on top of the main webpage. Moreover, it allows the user to interact with login forms or notification material without leaving the page. When…

  • Google is introducing generative AI to cybersecurity

    Google is introducing generative AI to cybersecurity

    Google is among the companies competing for the emerging trend in the generative AI space. Google launched Cloud Security AI Workbench a cybersecurity suite driven by Sec-PaLM, a specialised “security” AI language model. Sec-PaLM is an outgrowth of Google’s PaLM paradigm that has been “fine-tuned for security use cases, It includes security information such as…

  • Cybersecurity: Microsoft wants more women to work in the sector

    Cybersecurity: Microsoft wants more women to work in the sector

    Women presently account for only 25% of the cybersecurity workforce. Microsoft Office 365 company has announced additional financing to train new cybersecurity experts, particularly women. Especially with an emphasis on some of the world’s most underrepresented regions, including South America and Asia.   Argentina, Chile, Indonesia, and Spain are among the 28 nations currently covered by…

  • Microsoft: Phishing email attacks targeting near Tax Day 

    Microsoft: Phishing email attacks targeting near Tax Day 

    Microsoft has issued an alert on a phishing email effort that targets tax preparers and accounting companies. It uses remote access malware to gain initial access to business networks.    As the USA approaches the end of its annual tax season, accountants are scrambling to collect their customers’ tax records.    Because of this, it’s…

  • These cybersecurity tricks appear more frequently than once a year

    These cybersecurity tricks appear more frequently than once a year

    For cybersecurity, it is advised to pay attention to the sources of information, the links, and the impersonators. Despite our awareness of these innocent practical jokes, bad actors continually try to play on our vulnerability.   Common cyber-attack methods hackers use   Cybercriminals utilise various techniques, including phishing assaults, malicious links, and social engineering, to…

  • Phoney Chrome upgrades distributed via Hacked websites

    Phoney Chrome upgrades distributed via Hacked websites

    Unsuspecting users are exposed to malware after hackers compromise websites and insert scripts that display false Google Chrome automatic update problems. Since November 2022, the campaign has been running. However, according to the cybersecurity website expert, it picked up speed after February 2023. Moreover, it began to target people who spoke Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Numerous websites,…

  • AI Tools Can Easily Crack Most Passwords

    AI Tools Can Easily Crack Most Passwords

    It’s time to reconsider your password if you believe it to be strong. A recent study from the cybersecurity website demonstrates how fast and conveniently AI Tools can decipher your password. According to statistics, 51% of frequently used passwords can be broken in about a minute. The security service website utilized PassGAN, a password generator…